Hello Folks,
Today we will see a issue which generally occurs often in SharePoint environment. This is related with user profiles. Could not load user profile SharePoint 2013 this error we generally face.
Once we create a my site and when user clicks on any feature which is related to my site. User encountered and error “Could not load user profile”.
Based on the experience and the logs, we can understand that something went wrong with “User Profile Service or Synchronization Service”.

- First, we checked the error message
- Got the correlation id From the error message
- Checked ULS Logs, if we find anything in it with same correlation ID
- Got the Error Message.
I resolved this issue by following below steps.
- Go to Central Admin >>Application Management >>Manage Web Applications
2. Select My Site Web Application >>Click on Service Connections from top ribbon bar.

3. Confirm, weather “User profile service” is checked or not, If not, then Please go ahead and check it. In my case it was Unchecked.

4. Save the connection settings and done.
That’s it. This should resolve the issue.
Now go ahead and check again it will work. If you still facing the same issue then please wait for couple of minutes and then give a try once.
If issue still persist, then restart the user profile service from Central admin.
Hope this article helped you, If yes then please share it in your circle.
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